
Welcome to MovLab

MovLab is one of the laboratories within the CICANT – Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies https://cicant.ulusofona.pt/
MovLab – “Laboratory of Technologies for Interactions and Interfaces”, working with and within other scientific areas on 3D models for visualization and mechanical analysis based on data from technologies of high-speed motion capture and support dynamometry.

The acronym MovLab focus in the integration of the two major trends: The living and applied new technologies in an atmosphere of interactive team work. A cross disciplinary empowerment, whose mission is to develop and improve the core technologies for comprehensive computational animation and human and animal motion modelling, always in the interaction with other scientific areas of CICANT, Lusófona University Faculties and international collaborations.

MovLab core technology is based in high speed Motion Capture (Vicon system) synchronized with dynamometry (AMTI plate). By the synchronization of those technologies, the development of 3D models associated to methods of inverse dynamics create the possibility of better understand the assessment of the inside system functional analysis in humans or animals (specifically, horses). In parallel the interactions of human movement analysis with virtual reality open an area of study human behavior influenced by psychological imposed conditions.

MovLab mission is the promotion of interdisciplinary knowledge.

MovLab has strong experience in movement research for health and education, due to their expertise in cross areas of interests (Biomechanics, Physiotherapy, Sports, Programming, Data Bases, Animation, Film and Games) and to the practice expanded on several R&D projects.
